this is the first time in a we while that i have wanted to do a blog, and iwant u to no that i am in the mood for God again... the onli downside is that im in malta and it isnt LURGAN OR HOME.
i was just reading a book by Rob Bell which has made me think about things... the book was called velvet elvis... this has gave me a different angle to look at Christianity and God, stuff that i think is relevent in todays society... we need to look outside of the box that we find ourselves in and so start choosing to act as Jesus has intended us to in order to reshape the planet for Gods return to the earth not us just looking forward to goin somewere else.... Us a s Christians i believe we can bring climpses of Heaven to earth.
In my life i have found what the problem was with me and God... the problem was ME not God... I was trying to be this person who was the centre of attention, the main man, the top dog. i wanted to create a Superman type image of myself. And had to do somefing that was hard i had to humble myself before God and say that i was wrong..
I have learnt now from wat i have done wrong and all i wnt to do is get back home to were im meant to be and to start working and rebuilding the planet as part of a Team in Gods name, cause that is were we find our strength...
++++Grievo ++++