Monday, 21 May 2007


if im being open and honest i havent reali felt lik writing on this for a while... im stil nt reali sure if i shud!!

To be honest i thought i was goin good lik, learnin loads for God n now i have the chance to put into practice wat i had bin learnin.. this is soo excitin just so glad that im out again lik. but there is this part of me that think that God can do far better than me lik... he is the King of Kings - Alpha and omega - why does he want me lik of all people - a person hu is gd for nothin lik! Many people hu no me may say this aint true but that is how i feel...

But a good friend of mine told me a couple of days ago... that God is using us and if we choose not to respond we will ave the blood of the Lost souls on our hands... and i believe this is true

i was lookin thru my bible then in Exodus chapter 3 n to b honest i feel abit lik moses in this story but i feel that God message to Moses and to me the day is exactly the same.... I can use u to do great things if u only let me n to be honest im to scared of Gods judgement not to do wat he says so im wrestling wif God at the min but God keeps sayin is all i need is ur willingness to go n i will use u!!

For i no God uses the poor to teach the rich and the needy to teach the wise but im nt that sure that i am best suited to the task in hand... its onli human im sure but God is sayin lik the more u doubt the more i want u! im nt so sure wat this means and im sure this maybe aint been as benfical a blog as the others but thats how i feel atm so i just thought i wud share it.xxxGrievo-+- xxx

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Interesting Reading

A few statement of what i have read in the last while, i pray that God will use them to touch your heart as he has touched mine with theses statements.

"I am convinced of this. There is more Grace in God than Sin in Us"(Pete Greig, The Vision and The Vow)
Another is from a Former Chaplain to the U.S Senate - Richard Halverson
"Christianity began in Galilee
As a fellowship of men and women
centered on Jesus Christ.
It went to Greece and became a philosophy.
It went to Rome and became an Institution.
It went to Europe and became a Culture.
It came to America and became an enterprise.
We NEED to get back to our Roots"
I believe that this is controversial but true, ad i feel God calling us as Christians back to the very things on which are Faith i based on... JESUS CHRIST.
Also Isaiah 55 v 8-9 tells us

Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
this is just somethings i have been think about over the last while, lets just praise God

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Imtimacy and Learning

Today it was Sunday, the day of the week that i have usually dreaded for two or three months now... it was the day of the week that church is on, now dont get me wrong i love church life and the people but there is times were i feel like i just want to be a child of God and not a methodist or sumthing like that. But over the last couple of days during and since the operation on my throat, i have felt God presence time again and i have learnt to be comfortable in presence- i feel like a child wrapped up warm in my Fathers arms knowin that is no way that He will drop me. God presence with me has been invaluable and has taught me alot.. i fink that we all need to realise that sometimes we need to humble ourselves as Christian and followers of God to learn more about him and study for Him ( this is my view) cause God needs to change me before He can change people through me, He is all i have and all i need... the imtimacy with my ABBA Father tonigth was so amazing, it was like i had a church service and the God was the pastor and i was the servant, it challenged me in part of my life that are unknown to most people who no me but hopefully people will see a difference in my out look on God

God Bless Grievo xxx_+_xxx

Saturday, 12 May 2007


this is definately the mot difficult part of my recovery so far, i woke up this morning and a cudnt hardly breathe the pain was unbearable... so much so hat it woke me from my sleep, and the people who no meunderstand that is nt an easy thing to do! my throat is goin to get worse before it gets better i know this cause the Dr's and the Nurses both said it would, but unquestionably the pain that is causing me the most distress is the fact that i am no longer totally depenant on my self!! i just wanna go out and continue my life but i feel as if im being held back, my mind wonders alot and when im board it tends to work on my weakness, this isn't good cause i start to doubt myself, my family and the people who are close to me, my friends, this is feelings the day hopefully i will b feeling a little bit more up beat the moro, we will see.. big fanxs again to all the people who our praying for me and continually visiting me, i appreciate it alot more then i probably let on at the time, n i no im nt much crack but i will b soon i hope again, i aslo wanna say the i appreciate the fact that every1 cares for me so much n even if the cant get to see me because of other plans n all then to no they thinking of me is a huge help.... Grievo xxx_+_xxx

Friday, 11 May 2007

the mood the day

Boredom has sat in, and wen i have no company my mind starts to play tricks on me. lyin here over these next couple of weeks will hard i fink cos my personality isnt suited to sittin about all day doin nothin.. the onli benifit is th time i can spend wif my father of heaven and the King of Kings.. i am really lookin forward to that over the next wee while.. i will try and keep ppl up to d8 wif wat im learnin during this time in the house... i wud just like to say a special fanxs to big bro and mentor Dave Mull and wee bros pete, jonny and kris aswell as my darlin wee sis Jayne for comin to visit me last nyt love u alll Grievo xxx+xxx

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Tonsils Removed

this is just to let every1 no that i have had my operation to get my tonsils out ... and the dr z everyfing is accordin to plan atm... this is just basically to say thanks for all ur prayers and worries as Gods hand rested on my head in hospital all though wednesday and he even gave me a chance to witness for him so let just praise Him for That... love u all Grievo

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

All - Ireland Champions

Armagh College Volleyball team were recently crown All - Ireland Champions to go with their N.I School League and Schools Cup success. Congrats to all the lads x